On Sunday November 22, 2009, we had our Conformation of four new members of the church. Reverend Ballinger conducted a beautiful Conformation Service. It is always nice to see four new, young members, such as these welcome the church into their lives.
Left to Right; Remington Little, Madison Little, Margot Bergeron, and Lexi Cubberley
Margot Bergeron and Madison Little~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Margo Bergeron and Madison Little~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Reverend Ballinger confirming Margot Bergeron~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Reverend Ballinger confirming Lexi Cubberley
Reverend Ballinger confirming Madison Little
Reverend Ballinger confirming Remington Little
Lay Leader Bonnie Adams presenting each with a new Bible
The church's new members and their sponsors
Madison Little
The Little Family~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Bergeron Family~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Cubberley Family~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After the service we all enjoyed Cake, coffee and punch in Fellowship Hall.