The afternoon Sunlight that filters through our Stained Glass windows
and casts a beautiful
November 2, 2008, today was the re dedication of our stained glass windows.
In 1995, the Trustees of the church were faced with a problem, an expensive problem, all of the windows in the church were in need of some type of repair or restoration, some necessary and most preventive maintenance, but it was decided that the time was now. All of the windows are stained glass, all 30 windows, all with small and intricate designs.
In 1996 the trustees embarked on the task of having all of the windows completely restored. A gentleman, John Ratazak, was contracted to remove and restore all of the windows that could not be restored in place, the windows that were in dire need of repair would be done first. This task was spear headed by Ed Shelton, after Ed's passing this task was carried to its completion, in 2007 By George Goldy.
As necessary as this restoration was it was extremely costly, more than our small budget could handle. To help, financially, with this restoration the trustees devised a plan where as the windows would be restored one or two at a time, the next window to be done as the previous was completed. They also set up a process where donations were taken and could be marked to go specifically to the ‘Window Restoration Fund” and this money were used expressly for the Window Restoration.
Restoring a widow this old is a very meticulous process, and the gentleman that restored these windows is a very meticulous person, he is very caring in his work and speaks fondly of old neglected stained glass windows, especially those that sit in old abandoned churches, such as some in Trenton, most of these windows have a meaning to those that created and designed them, and memories to those that looked at them each Sunday of their lives, this is the type of person you need to care for a 100+ year old window.
We were fortunate to have Joe Ratajaczak, and his company, Plowman Stained Glass and Sand Carving, of Chesterfield, New Jersey, to care for these windows
Some of these windows would be removed and not completed and returned for months; this is the type of careful work that was done. When they were returned they would still look 100 years old, but would be reconstructed, better than new. Some of these windows required complete rebuilding, while disassembling some of these windows; Joe found that rather than pegs or nails, some of the windows were held together with actual tree branches, driven in as dowels.
As the windows were completed and reinstalled each widow was covered and vented with heavy, clear, Lexan Plastic, to protect the windows from weather, wind, accidents, and vandalism. As long as these windows have been in the Groveville United Methodist Church, no one can remember any acts of vandalism being committed upon these windows. We have had small pieces of glass that have fallen out and I am sure more than one disoriented pigeon has crashed into the windows and yes, there was an incident where a lawnmower “Kicked” up a stone and it has gone through a window, but this only happened once, and these were all isolated incidents, nothing purposeful.
These are the windows at the rear of the Sanctuary, above the "Amen" pew~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
These are the windows on the left of the Sanctuary, which is the front of the church.
Reverend Fran spoke of the beauty of this window, we should also remember that Jesus was from Africa and the window behind the pulpit should serve as a reminder that Jesus was a meager Shepherd. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Reverend Fran also commented on the two round stained glass windows at the top sides of the church sanctuary containing “The Star of David”, that is a reminding tribute that Jesus was Jewish.
George Goldy spoke of how the window restoration was carried out and explained the intricate process. George also gave a Little history of the windows. George Goldy thanked all those involved in the process of the restoration and described to the congregation just what an intricate and time consuming job this was.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When Reverend Fran Ballinger, spoke about the windows, she said “ You may come to church and not like the song the choir might sing, you may come to church and not like way Sallie plays the piano or prefer her to play the organ. You may also come to church and not like the “Message” that Sunday, but there is no way you can come to church and not like these beautiful windows.
The Beauty of these windows as
seen from the outside on